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Behavior Management (Individual/Group)

Often, mental health disorders cause behavioral issues in both children and adults. As such, managing problematic behaviors is commonly an important part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Bear River Mental Health offers behavior management services for both individuals and groups, to help people understand their behaviors and change those that are self-destructive or dangerous.

Behavioral therapy is used for a range of mental health conditions and it is a form of therapy that seeks to identify and modify the thinking that surrounds behavioral issues. Bear River Mental Health’s services can be personalized to your unique needs, as everyone is different and may benefit more from either individual or group behavior management.

How Effective Is Behavior Management?

behavior management

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Those who experience unwanted behaviors may feel that they cannot control how they act. Behavior management is often effective at helping clients use positive, evidence-based strategies to reduce the occurrence of negative behaviors, such as aggression, anger, anxiety and substance abuse. With individualized care, clients are able to pinpoint triggers and change their reactions using one-on-one therapy to meet their behavior goals. Group behavior management utilizes social learning, role modeling, role playing, rewards and consequences, and peer interactions to help clients make personal changes and improve appropriate interactions interpersonally.

Who Needs Behavior Management?

Behavior management is helpful for clients of all ages dealing with a range of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, ADHD, self-harm, eating disorders and substance abuse. Anyone who feels as though their behaviors are negatively affecting themselves or others should consider this service. Additionally, parents or caregivers may notice behavioral concerns in their own children or those with whom they live and may want to reach out for help.

Behavior management is a tool that individuals, parents and families can utilize to improve an individual’s social and emotional interactions in the family and within the community. Typically, behavior management is used in conjunction with other types of therapy for an all-inclusive treatment plan. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a common treatment type used to help individuals change their thoughts and reactions to create more positive behaviors.

Contact Bear River Mental Health Today

If you think that our behavior management services could benefit your life or the life of a loved one, contact us today. We have facilities in Box Elder, Cache and Rich counties, from Tremonton to Garden City, and we are committed to providing affordable mental health services to clients throughout Northern Utah.

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****Facilities and restrooms are accessible to individuals with developmental and physical disabilities. BRMH’s offices and facilities have accommodations for people with disabilities, including offices, exam rooms and equipment. Accommodations include, but are not limited to, bariatric chairs, brail door plates, ADA entrances/restrooms, and rooms with dimming light. Special accommodations may be provided prior to or during treatment upon request by contacting (435) 752-0750.****

Bear River Mental Health Services, Inc. is a National Health Service Corps approved site.

No one will be denied access to services, due to inability to pay, age, race, color, national origin, language, cultural background, marital status, developmental disability, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religion.

A discounted fee is available for essential services based on family size and income.

Hay tarifas con descuento disponibles para servicios esenciales según el tamaño y los ingresos de la familia.

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