24-Hour Crisis 988
& Suicide Prevention Hotline

Self-Help Resources

  • Youth in Transition
    Resources for youth during this period in life.
  • Parents Empowered
    Help keep brains healthy and futures bright by assisting children/youth to be free from the harms of alcohol.
  • Utah Division of Substance Use and Mental Health
    The agency responsible for ensuring that services are available statewide.
  • LGBTQ+
    Supporting Cache Valley Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Pansexual, 2-spirit, plus (LGBTQIAP2+) communities and https://utahpridecenter.org
  • Advance Directives
    Any adult client who is capable has the right to make a declaration of preferences or instructions regarding their mental health treatment. An Advance Directive is a declaration that allows, or disallows, mental health treatment.
  • Circle of Security (COS)
    Offers specialized support and resources that address the unique challenges of parenting children who have been traumatized or have attachment difficulties.
  • Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation
    Research-based website for parents of children with bipolar disorder that offers parents the latest information as well as parent-to-parent mentorship. Access to the site requires an annual fee.
  • Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)
    Provides free information on depression and bipolar disorder, as well as listings to more than 1,000 patient support groups across the country.
  • Open Excellence
    Global community foundation website that provides the infrastructure for interested parties to pool resources to fund recovery-based programs and research.
  • Mentalhelp.net
    Provides comprehensive mental health and illness information on topics such as depression, bipolar disorder, suicide, anxiety, addiction, schizophrenia and more.
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
    Offers self-help support and advocacy resources and information for consumers, families and friends of people with severe mental illnesses. NAMI is a not-for-profit, grassroots organization.
  • National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
    Provides information from the federal agency that conducts and supports research on mental illnesses.
  • Mental Health America (MHA)
    Community-based, non-profit website promoting mental health, preventing mental disorders and achieving victory over mental illnesses through advocacy, education, research and service.
  • National Runaway Safeline (NRS)
    Here to listen. Here to help. Provides resources, information and support to keep America’s runaway, homeless and at-risk youth safe and off the streets.
  • University of Virginia Health System (Adult Mental Health)
    Published by the University of Virginia (UVA), this site includes links to a comprehensive list of many diagnosable mental illnesses in adults.
  • University of Virginia Health System (Child and Adolescent Mental Health)
    Published by the University of Virginia (UVA), this site includes links to many diagnosable mental illnesses in children and adolescents.
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****Facilities and restrooms are accessible to individuals with developmental and physical disabilities. BRMH’s offices and facilities have accommodations for people with disabilities, including offices, exam rooms and equipment. Accommodations include, but are not limited to, bariatric chairs, brail door plates, ADA entrances/restrooms, and rooms with dimming light. Special accommodations may be provided prior to or during treatment upon request by contacting (435) 752-0750.****

Bear River Mental Health Services, Inc. is a National Health Service Corps approved site.

No one will be denied access to services, due to inability to pay, age, race, color, national origin, language, cultural background, marital status, developmental disability, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religion.

A discounted fee is available for essential services based on family size and income.

Hay tarifas con descuento disponibles para servicios esenciales según el tamaño y los ingresos de la familia.

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